Monday, August 11, 2008


Anyone that knows me well, knows about my love of BOOKS!! How else can you take an afternoon and look through the eyes of a scholor, stand next to someone famous, solve a mystery, be transported to a foreign land, live in history, fall hopelessly in love or learn more than you can ever remember about anything your heart desires?

I have so many books that I decided there was a need to find a way to keep them all in one place. I was reciting this plight to a dear friend at lunch one day. The next time we met, she brought me yet another book called At Home with Books. I found this to be a novel idea (pun intended)....a book about books!

This is a collection of wonderful photos on where to put books.

In the art gallery....
In the den......

In the bedroom......

In the living room.......

In the kitchen.....

Some of my favorites.....

Now, I don't see many books in here, but I sure do LOVE this room!!

Honestly, a lot of our books are in yet another room in our home. I looked and looked, but could not find ONE bathroom in this book. Can you imagine?
Where do you keep your books?