If you've been a faithful reader of this blog, you will remember my post about enclosing the back porch. I really liked the open "farm" porch that was here when we moved in, but I LOVE the enclosed porch. On a blustry winter day the temps may hover around zero to ten degrees in Michigan. If the sun shines, the temperature on our enclosed south-facing porch can rise to 70 degrees. It has been my salvation this winter!
I've decorated our many porches over the years and, last year, decided to share them on Shabby Lane Shops where they have a Porch of the Month contest. I am pleased to say that Aunt May's Cottage has won this distinguished honor many times (see side bar).
I hope you like my entry for March...........
Some Details.........
Many items shown in photos are available in Aunt May's Cottage.......
After two months of physical therapy, I am now able to sew on the sewing machines, but still cannot do much hand sewing. For some reason my right hand has decided to swell like a balloon when working with it. If I am idle, it seems OK. WELL, I'm not an idle person, so most of the time it's a chore to do any intricate work with it. The doc says it will all come in time, so I'm trying to be patient (not my strongest trait). I'm so lucky to have a wonderful physical therapist that is relentless. Because of her and the hours of "homework" she gives me, I think the arm will be back to about 80% the first part of April.