Monday, December 14, 2009

Day Fourteen


Connie said...

Ooooh, the "elegantness" of their dining room during the holiday is just stunning. But the presents??? Who wraps them like that today?! Those were exceptional presents to receive, sugar.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Bertie! The presents are all so lovely in that second picture. I love how the gifts are staged to look like they are all tumbling out of the fireplace in the other pic! I'll sure have to remember that idea. Goodness, the sitting room and fireplace in that last picture are awesome! Love the mantel, and those stained glass windows are gorgeous. And such a unique coffee table in front of the sofa ~ I love it~

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Katie said...

Wow the packages under the tree are all so beautiful!

迴轉壽司Mika said...
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