Monday, February 27, 2012


Aunt May's Cottage and it's Master House have SOLD.

I will not be adding to this blog but will be updating the

Forever House Stories which will be our new place of residence starting the first of April. I've already posted a few of the projects in progress. Yes, it is another DIY house! I LOVE those but this will be our last, hence the name Forever House.

Thank you so much for following our journey and for shopping at Aunt May's Cottage these past five years.

Watch for some new items on eBay and Etsy as soon as we are settled a little.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The old house and Aunt May's Cottage are for sale!

See it here......

We have moved on to our next project.......The Forever House.

That blog will start soon and I can't wait to see you there!