Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's the First of December!

Join me in the countdown to our Lord's Birthday.

As my gift to you, each day until Christmas, I will post some lovely Victorian Christmas rooms for your enjoyment and inspiration. Most of these photos are from magazines that I have collected over the past 25 years.

Please note that I give full credit to Victoria, Veranda, Victorian Homes, Victorian Lifestyles and Decor, Country Victorian, Victorian Decorating and Old House Journal for these photos.


Just click to enlarge any photo, but please don't copy. Thanks!


Connie said...

They are all lovely photos but your house will be the loveliest, I'm sure, sweetpea...

Sharon said...

Bertie I love those rooms, just look at those beautiful rose drapes in the 4th photo.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Bertie, you are so right, I really enjoyed seeing these pics. I love how there is always room for a Christmas tree in most all rooms. Thank you for sharing these pics. It is so nice to gather inspiration from everywhere.

See you again soon.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Bertie, you always have THE BEST inspiration photos! I love the mantel in the first pic and the drapes in the 4th pic are 2die4 Scarlett-ish!!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Bertie said...

Yes Steph, she would certainly have a dress made from THOSE.

Katie said...

Oooooo those rose/mauvy drapes are wonderful!!!!!!!!!

vickie said...

Thanks for this wonderful gift Bertie, I'm going to enjoy a cup of tea and look at each one.